Friday, June 26, 2015

Arise Once Again

Arise once again. 
My heart is pure. 
Mind is getting clearer. 
Although my body is close behind, the aching does persist. 
In the moment I shall be. 
For if not, all is lost. 
Not to focus on trivial matters, your heart's calling must come first.
Open your eye the third and measure what's important. 
All you'll ((see)) with grand perspective will make you change your mind. 
((Prioritize)) your daily tasks from this view. 
For it is the only view that is true to the heavens right here within your soul. 
If you listen you can hear it.
With this vision you'll see far beyond what our senses can do on this plane. 
You'll hear what you see, see what you feel, smell what you think.
It is in this ((space)) of perspective where you can sit in peace forever. 
This is the only space that matters in space. 
Purity of heart. 
Clarity of mind. 
This is ((Nirvana)). 
This is ((bliss)). 
And YES! You can maintain your place there. 
For that space never falters. 
All that changes is slipping out of the grand perspective of infinite. 
Find your space for it is here.
 It's been here all along. 
Remember what truly matters and your focus will become clear. 
It lies within your weathered hands, the path less traveled. 
For this path seems foreign to most I meet. 
They get caught up in sad matters. 
It's easy to get consumed by ego from the plugging in to the collective unconscious. 
It is in this space you catch yourself drifting amidst a sea of pain. 
Not to say that the collective unconscious does not play in a pretty way. 
The collective unconscious has beauty and pain.
It's just that pain seems to take the reigns in this world. 
Plug in to what's real and you will find truth, love, purity, kindness, generosity and the infinite.

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