Saturday, November 8, 2014

Live Your LIfe

Review your life full of misuse.
The time you spend inside your head.
Open up, jump out, love it all is what it’s about.
Take the time to look around you.
Take the time to acknowledge as that beauty surrounds you.
There’s never to be a day like this – so cherish the moment and memories you shall keep.
Within your heart lays the map of your Soul.
Follow the map and you’ll find no more tolls.
No more tolls on your life, your energy, your force.
Wouldn’t that be like heaven on Earth?
You don’t have to pay off the tolls you set with your negative minding.
You don’t have to take out a loan for your soul to get by in this world.
Let go. Let light in.
Simplify and see the beauty become all the more apparent.
You will see that holding on to anything will only cause you pain.
This doesn’t mean that you can’t love because love is eternal and never unscathed.
The more you let go, the more you love, the more you love, the more you live.
Don’t you want to live right now?
Right now and forever?
It is more than just a myth, dream or fantasy talk.
This is the true world we seek.
Peace in every step comes to those who leave behind an unattached footprint.
Leave your mark and leave it there…For that moment has now passed.
This moment is your truth and your peace.
It’s all we ever have.
So hold on to nothing but love – This love will set you free.
You’ll soar off into the sunset of truth the moment you
Free yourself from the tolls and debts in your head.
Let go.

Friday, November 7, 2014

The Truth is What You Are

 The Truth is What You Are
How can you say that you really try when all I see is full of lies?
Lies once told to your unconscious mind, so deep you now believe.
So deep lies run inside your frame of mind, no wonder the world you can’t see.
When I tell you, “you can open your eyes”, you say, “well they’re already open”.
Take a step back to hear what I mean…your eyes I speak of are of the mind.
So daily routine’s got you feeling accomplished, but let me ask you do you truly feel the love and light?
At the end of the day when the truth of your soul sets in, whether you want it to our not, you know this can either be your darkest hour or a moment of re-birth.
While you’re laying there raw and muddled with your past pain, feel it I say, breathe it. The pain, the feeling of it is the letting go so that your eyes may truly open.
The battle wounds, we all acquire in some fashion in this life, will make you stronger if you allow it.
No need to go under the knife to cover up your scars.
Your wounds are like a cocoon and when you nurture the wounds in your heart with patience, gentleness and deep self-love, that cocoon will then blossom into the beautiful strengths and wisdom that you’ve proven and shone through.
Don’t be afraid of your light – but the lies.
The lies must not be forgotten.
It is when the lies become your truth, you’ll walk the earth blind and blue.
Watch out for that voice inside that tries to second-guess you.
That voice was implanted by the sickness around you.
You mustn’t forget who you truly are.
You are what you feel in those moments raw and with your truth – those moments when all you can do is look at yourself in totality.
If what you see isn’t what you know is right, then the lies have been running the show.
No more lies.
Truth conquers all darkness
And the Light is what you are.

It Just Keeps on Moving

Life just keeps on moving.
Things keep on happening and I keep on breathing.

I do what I'm supposed to but tired of that game.

Spend time making money just to survive.

When does the cycle end where one can just enjoy the life that lives before us - full of adventure and joy?

There's got to be a way around this old song and dance.

I know I'm not alone seeing all the people's sense of lack.

The pain, the hurt, the checking out.

The hurt, abuse, the silver lining loose.

When will all the people see that if we don't show up now for life, your joy and love will flee.

It's never too late to jump on board to love and to cherish yourself till death do you part.

Because life doesn't end even after your last breath.

Your soul, your mind, your spirit flies freely.

Abundantly strong your spirit is, just lying under the surface of your intoxicated skin.

Don't be fooled by the material worlds around you.

Your eye has so much more to meet.

You already know this, the truth lies in you.

You know you're not supposed to feel dead inside, yet you keep hitting snooze on your soul's alarm.

Don't persist on this till your dying wish.

I do believe you'll cycle once more, again and again until you choose to soar.

Do your spirit justice and open your eyes' heart to the magic, the splendor, the love inside.

For that love is connection to every atom around/in you that you'll see there's never being lonely.

Watch out for those feelings of isolation, boredom and fear and remember that's your soul's alarm flashing,


Life is here when you want it, it never ceases to exist.

So why not put that first foot forward and walk into your light.

You're a being of power, so let your love shine out.